Call us at 216-631-6434 if you are interested or have questions.
Signup Online to Get Involved!
Ways to Get Involved
- Clerical
- Help at the intake desk
- Garden
- Planting, weeding, and watering our vegetable garden
- Unload Food Truck (Monday afternoons)
- Donation Pick Ups
- Parent & Family Support
- Help with a program such as Family Events (Bingo, Game Night, Children’s Santa Shop)
- Cook with Me/Cooking Club (assist the leader & participants with various tasks)
- Babies’ Care Cupboard (assist the leader with distribution of items)
- Fun with Books (a preschool program to help parents with reading readiness)
- Help purchase and/or distribute give-aways for programs such as the Healthy Living Class or Stay Well program
- Community Meals
- Sponsor and/or help staff a community meal on the second Sunday of the month
- Bag Packing
- Pack Thanksgiving Food Bags on the designated Friday evening (see calendar)
- Pack Christmas Food Bags and Wrap Christmas Gifts on the designated Friday evening (see calendar)
- Food & Clothing Distribution
- Help on food and clothing distribution days from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm on either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
- Summer Youth Program
- Teaching assistant, crafts, sports, music, and one day special projects
- Form a Thrivent Action Team
- Visit Thrivent Action Team to apply for a $250 grant for project funding support
- Tell others about us!